The entry door of a home is important for several reasons. It is the first thing people see when they approach the house, and it sets the tone for the entire home....
Working from a specific height off the ground, it’s important to prioritize fall protection. Here's what you need to know about this safety equipment. [...]
Each of these security items are cost effective and easy to use and install. They also offer the added, and perhaps most important, bonus of letting outsiders know that your home is...
The system works together with different pieces of technology to enhance safety, convenience and increase energy efficiency. One control panel communicates with every product installed - video surveillance, HVAC, appliances etc. The...
Also, now I have some first hand experience and knowledge to share with clients who are interested in touchpad locks, the Smartkey system or Lock Bumping.
The net value of a wood fireplace may however come down to one simple thing. What type and quality of wood you choose to burn in your fireplace. A skill perhaps –...
In the beautiful week before Hurricane Irene coastal Delaware was doing its summer thing. Every other car had out-of-state plates and vacationers were enjoying the beach while my clients, who rent their...
Creating a secure home is a matter of design philosophy, construction technique and the habits of the occupants. While it is possible to design and build a home that is extremely secure,...
And you know - it reminds me just how frequently we, as homeowners, (and OK, maybe it's only me) forget about all the ancillary stuff that comes along with doing any sort...
Santa's not the only one with a naughty and nice list this year. The experts at Simonton Windows® have provided a list of do's and don'ts for decorating vinyl windows during the...
Unfortunately, when it comes to wood decking, poor maintenance can also pose a safety hazard. Dry rot, weakened ledger connections and failing footings can all contribute to deck collapse. Not to get...
This here's a story about Billy Joe and Bobbie Sue, two young squirrels with nothin' better to do -- except unleash their squirrelly wrath on me, that is, for the better part...