This front yard, when the home was purchased, had a rather medium-sized and unruly tree smack dab in the middle of it. In an effort to make the home more curb-appealing, Mrs....
This particular house, a Colonial (I guess), sits less than a mile from ours. After a short shopping period, she purchased it for a near rock bottom price . . . after...
It can be a fun project, a great investment, or even a good way to settle into your forever home without spending a fortune to get what you want. But before you...
I have gotten a handful of questions recently about Renovations Loans, and more specifically -- 203ks. Like many, I knew only that 203ks were “Renovation Loans,” but not much else. So I...
The 12ft tape - a fantastic option for shop work or really any repetitive building activity that fits in that scale. But as Jane suggests, story tapes may be as equally valuable...
The net value of a wood fireplace may however come down to one simple thing. What type and quality of wood you choose to burn in your fireplace. A skill perhaps –...
As I stood in my basement, looking up at the floor joists of the dining room above, I thought to myself, “I guess I do know a few things about insulation.” Learn...
While there are hundreds if not thousands of variations of “audits” performed daily, it essentially boils down to two types; survey style & diagnostic. Learn more about what each entails + common...
I posted about the dryer’s hook up in our laundry room in a side vented fashion. This is the follow up post to that - finishing the close connect fitting. Includes information...
What is a Green Roof? Technically, color has nothing to do with it. Numerous four-inch garden trays of plants (the Sedum) in a special soil are installed on a roof to capture...
I was naked . . . and stepping into the shower when she started, “What's wrong with you?!”. . . but she continued, “I mean – do I really have to have...
Creating a secure home is a matter of design philosophy, construction technique and the habits of the occupants. While it is possible to design and build a home that is extremely secure,...