
Black Coffee Donna Frasca

I still say choosing a color scheme for the kitchen is the most challenging. Ironically, it has the least amount of wall space after all the appliances and cabinets are in but the color you do choose, has to be perfect!

Just think about all the time you spend in the kitchen. From the time you wake up and have that first cup of coffee to when the kids come home in the late afternoon and use it as a homework station. We all know that it’s the gathering place when we have parties and it is the core and heart of the home.

Knowing this, the design and color scheme you choose has to be right on. From the wall color to the color of the grout you choose, all these factors have to be considered to make it the perfect room for you and your family.

When designing a kitchen, what kitchen appliance colors should I choose?

Stainless steel seems to work well with the colors that I’ve been designing in kitchens. There’s a lot of soft, smokey colors that are in the kitchen and these hues just work well with stainless steel.

KitchenAid Duel Fuel Range

Black seems to be the second choice of appliance color in the kitchen. I have black appliances — hard to keep clean by the way, but it works well with my color scheme: gold and burgundy. I like the contrast and to me, the coolness of stainless steel wouldn’t work with the very warm colors in my home. Now for someone who has the white kitchen, stainless would be a better choice. So much depends on cabinet color, flooring and so many other factors.

Black Whirlpool Side-by-Side Frig

You say, “I don’t want to have a MAJOR appliance in any weird color!”

But what appliance can I have fun with as far as my color choices go?

When it comes to the stove, refrigerator, sink or dishwasher, I personally would keep them the “norm” – no weird colors here.

Let’s say you choose red appliances. Will you like red 1, 2, 3 years from now? What if you have to sell your home? Will the potential new homeowners like red too? Maybe not.  I would use color instead in really small doses like this red mixer. I have one of these (white) and keep it under the counter.

Now let’s say you have a white kitchen – keeping this red mixer out on top of the counter would make a great accent color for your kitchen.

Red Mixer on Crate in Kitchen by Donna Frasca

Yellow Kettle Donna Frasca

If you have a black stove top, this yellow tea kettle may be all the splash of color you may want in your kitchen. But make sure the yellow coordinates!

Three Mixers Red Stainless and White Donna Frasca

Hand mixers are usually kept under the kitchen counter so I don’t know if this is a great appliance to highlight a cool color. I vote for the classic silver, white or black for this.

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Retro Green Grill Crate & Barrel Donna Frasca

Taking color outside with the grill. I LOVE this green grill from Crate & Barrel! Green is a good choice for a grill since we know it’s going to match everything outside.

White Mixer Donna Frasca

Can’t decide on a color? White and stainless would be my choices for appliance colors for the kitchen. There are so many other ways to add color to your room that I really don’t think highlighting an appliance is the way to go.

For example. See this mixer? I bought one when I just got married over 20 years ago. What colors were popular at that time? I don’t even remember, (ha!) but if I did go with the ‘color of the year’ — I’d STILL have it now and more than likely, not like that color.

Stick with the basics when it comes to appliances for your kitchen – white, stainless or black.


Outtake :: How this Post Came into Being

This email hit my inbox, yesterday morning:

I was wondering if you would be interested in another blog post from me? I have one here about Kitchen Appliances and Color choices I thought your readers might like.

The #KBTribeChat will be talking about kitchen appliances tomorrow (now today — 2PM EST) and perhaps you’d like to jump in on the buzz about . . . .

** Love your website :-)

  Donna Frasca; Certified Color Expert


As it turns out the post that Donna @Color4Charlotte was suggesting went up first, the other day, to her Color Recipes site. (It originally appeared there.)

And I know! A reprint?  Google would most certainly cast us (together) off to, idk, some tiny little island in some Sea of Something . . . with No Visits! But . . .

I mean — “LOVE … *smiley face*.”  Come on! How could I not? And anyway, I do “really like” Donna‘s site a whole lot myself.  ;~)  So, in not so many words, here we go! ~jb


Note from the hosts: Still need a splash of color for your kitchen?  I say Email Donna. Don’t forget to check her fantastic Color Recipes blog, tagline :: Cooking up Color Schemes for Your Home.  All photos came from that original post.

Great job Donna! Thanks. ~jb

All images via Donna Frasca.